2016 Breast Cancer Lecture Series Coming Soon to Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Nome
You are cordially invited to the 2016 Breast Cancer Prevention Lecture Series! The topic this year is The Ecology of Breast Cancer: The Promise of Prevention and the Hope for Healing. We are thrilled to feature Dr. Ted Schettler as our guest speaker.
Our genes are the ultimate book of instructions for all that happens in our body. However when and where genes “turn on” to “print” their instructions are influenced by our constantly changing environment. Breast cancer results from mistakes in genes or their instructions; and these mistakes are often caused by environmental influences. Dr. Schettler will discuss known and suspected environmental risks for breast cancer and ways to prevent exposures.
Ted Schettler, MD MPH is Science Director of the Science and Environmental Health Network. He also serves as science director of the Collaborative on Health and Environment and science advisor to the Health Care Without Harm campaign. He has a medical degree from Case Western Reserve University and a Masters in Public Health from Harvard University.
Dr. Schettler is author of “The Ecology of Breast Cancer: The Promise of Prevention and the Hope for Healing” and co-author of “Generations at Risk: Reproductive Health and the Environment,” “In Harm’s Way: Toxic Threats to Child Development,” and “Environmental Threats to Healthy Aging.”
He has published a number of articles on related topics in peer-reviewed journals and has served on advisory committees of the US EPA and the National Academy of Sciences.
Please check out the list of events below and join us to learn more about breast cancer prevention. A big thank you to the Alaska Run for Women for sponsoring this lecture series!
(By the way, if you haven’t gotten a chance yet to ask Senator McGuire to schedule a hearing for the Toxic-Free Children’s Act, you’re in luck – there’s still time! She needs to hear from you so please click here to contact her. Together we are stronger!)
April 22 – FRIDAY, 8 am to 9 am – Grand Rounds. Providence Hospital Auditorium East (basement). Open to healthcare professionals.
April 25 – MONDAY, 6:30 pm Reception, and 7:00 pm Public Lecture. Alaska Public Media TV Studio. 3877 University Dr. (on Veco Dr.).
April 26 – TUESDAY, 9:30 – 10:30 am – Public lecture. Breast Cancer Detection Center of Alaska. 1905 Cowles St.
April 26 – TUESDAY, 12:45 – 2:00 pm – Grand Rounds. Cancer Treatment Center Conference Room at Fairbanks Memorial Hospital.
April 26 – TUESDAY, 6:30 Reception, 7:00 Public Lecture. Margaret Murie Auditorium. 982 Koyukuk Dr.
April 28 – THURSDAY, 12:00 noon – Grand Rounds. Norton Sound Health Corp. Conference Room 306.
April 28 – THURSDAY, 6:30 Reception, 7:00 Public Lecture. Old St. Joseph Church.
April 18 – MONDAY, 2:00 – 3:00 pm – Line One: Your Health Connection. Tune in on 91.1 FM or at alaskapublic.org.
April 23 – SATURDAY, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm – Health Talk Radio. Tune in on KFAR 660 AM or at kfar660.com. Call in with your questions at 907-458-8255.
April 27 – WEDNESDAY, 9:00 – 10:00 am – Alaska Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE-Alaska) teleconference. Sign up here.
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