Take Action! Support SB 27: Ban Toxic Flame Retardants in Alaska.

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Support SB 27: Ban Toxic Flame Retardants in Alaska.

Success! The Senate Finance Committee passed SB 27. The next step is for the full Senate to pass the legislation before sending it to the House. To Ban Flame Retardants in Alaska, please call your Alaska State Senators and ask them to support Senate Bill 27. (Follow SB 27)

Wanted for crimes against the Planet...PBDEs (polybrominatd diphenyl ethers)

Current Actions: Senate Bill 27

Past Actions: House Bill 63

Twelve states have passed legislation banning PBDEs, toxic flame retardant chemicals that are widely used in home furniture, electronics, mattresses, and other common household products.

Mounting research suggests that exposure to PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers) pdf may cause neurological and reproductive harm, thyroid disruption, and cancer. PBDEs are highly persistent in the environment and in our bodies. As furniture, electronics, and other PBDE-containing products break down over time, PBDEs are released into the environment and can remain unchanged for decades. The good news is that there are safer alternatives to PBDEs that are equally effective.

Right now, the Alaska State Legislature is considering a bill that would ban the import of products containing PBDEs. SB 27 & HB 63 will phase out the use, sale and manufacture of products containing PBDEs by 2013/2014. This bill will also allow DEC to work with other state agencies to share information and build capacity to identify and promote safer chemicals and products.

Quick Facts

  • PBDEs are widely used in a variety of consumer products.  PBDEs are found in electronics, such as TVs, and used in some furniture foams, fabrics, and kitchen appliances.
  • PBDEs are persistent bioaccumulative toxics that are having a profound effect on the environment and human health, particularly in Alaska and the Arctic. They accumulate and are long lasting.
  • PBDEs interfere with thyroid function, cause problems with brain development, and disrupt learning, memory and behavior.  They are largely unregulated in the U.S., thus increasing exponentially in the environment, wildlife, and people through widespread releases and exposures in the home, workplace, and foods.  Babies are exposed in their mother’s womb and through breast milk.
  • Women from the Yukon Kuskokwim Delta of Alaska have the highest level of any population in the Arctic.
  • People are exposed to PBDEs in multiple ways, including contaminated air, household dust, and foods.  PBDEs have been found in human breast milk and in the blood of mothers and their babies.
  • PBDEs in Alaska come from both local sources as well as distant sources that travel to Alaska by ocean and wind currents.  These chemicals are building up in the Arctic and entering the food chain.
  • PBDEs have been found in soil, air, sediments, birds, marine species and fish.
  • We cannot control the delivery of PBDEs into the Arctic by atmospheric currents, but we can control their importation in consumer products.
  • With cost-effective and equally fire-safe alternatives available, it’s time to phase out PBDEs.  Many companies have taken a proactive approach in phasing out PBDEs use.
  • This legislation has widespread support from Alaskans, including Alaska Native tribes, researchers, healthcare professionals and firefighters who have firsthand exposure.

Alaska can achieve fire safety without toxic chemicals. House Bill 63 & Senate Bill 27 follow the lead of a dozen other states in banning toxic flame retardants (PBDEs).

Voice your support for SB 27 today! Senate Bill 27 has passed out of the Senate Finance Committee.  Thank you for encouraging the Senate Finance Committee members to prevent toxic exposures!

Speak Up! Contact your Alaska State Senators

Ask them to support Sentate Bill 27 to ban toxic flame retardants being imported into Alaska.

Senate District City Senator (Party) Email Phone
A Sitka Bert Stedman (R) Email  877-463-3873
B Juneau Dennis Egan (D) Email 907-465-4947
C Angoon Albert Kookesh (D) Email 888-288-3473
D Fairbanks Joe J. Thomas (D) Email 800-336-7383
E Fairbanks Joe Paskvan (D) Email 877-665-3709
F North Pole John B. Coghill Jr. (R) Email 877-465-3719
G Wasilla Linda K. Menard (R) Email 877-465-6601
H Wasilla Charlie Huggins (R) Email 800-862-3878
I Eagle River Fred Dyson (R) Email 800-342-2199
J Anchorage Bill Wielechowski (D) SB 27* Email 800-550-2435
K Anchorage Bettye Davis (D) Email 800-770-3822
L Anchorage Johnny Ellis (D) Email 888-330-3704
M Anchorage Hollis French (D) Email 866-465-3892
N Anchorage Lesil McGuire (R) Email 800-365-2995
O Anchorage Kevin Meyer (R) Email 866-465-4945
P Anchorage Catherine A. Giessel (R) Email 800-892-4843
Q Kenai Thomas Wagoner (R) Email 800-964-5733
R Kodiak Gary Stevens (R) Email 800-821-4925
S Bethel Lyman F. Hoffman (D) Email 866-465-4453
T Golovin Donald Olson (D) Email 800-597-3707
SB 27* Sponsor of Senate Bill 27


Past Actions: House Bill 63 Efforts continue into 2012. In 2011, there were two hearings on HB 63 in the House Labor and Commerce Committee, thank you to the many people who provided public comments. Please contact your representatives to let them know that you support HB 63, a bill that would protect the health of Alaskans without compromising fire safety.

Speak Up! Contact your Alaska State Representatives

Ask them to support House Bill 63 to ban toxic flame retardants being imported into Alaska.

House District Area House Representative (Party) Email Phone
01 Ketchikan Kyle Johansen (R) Email 800-303-2455
02 Wrangell Peggy Wilson (R) Email 800-686-3824
03 Juneau Beth Kerttula (D) Email 877-465-4766
04 Juneau Cathy Muñoz (R) Email 800-968-6744 
05 Haines William “Bill” Thomas Jr. (R) Email 888-461-3732
06 McGrath Alan S. Dick (R) Email 800-491-4527
07 Fairbanks Bob Miller (D) Email 866-465-4976
08 Fairbanks David Guttenberg(D) Email 800-928-4457
09 Fairbanks Scott Kawasaki (D) Email 866-465-3466
10 Fairbanks Steve M. Thompson(R) Email 877-465-3004
11 North Pole Tammie Wilson (R) Email 800-860-4797
12 Chickaloon Eric A Feige (R) Email 888-465-4859
13 Palmer Carl Gatto (R) Email 800-565-3743
14 Wasilla Wes Keller (R) Email 800-468-2186
15 Big Lake Mark Neuman (R) Email 800-505-2678
16 Chugiak Bill Stoltze (R) Email 866-465-4958
17 Eagle River Anna Fairclough (R) Email 800-861-5688
18 Eagle River Dan Saddler (R) Email 877-460-3783
19 Anchorage Pete Petersen (D) Email 800-465-4939
20 Anchorage Max Gruenberg (D) Email 866-465-4940
21 Anchorage Lance Pruitt (R) Email 888-478-3438
22 Anchorage Sharon Cissna (D) Email 800-922-3875
23 Anchorage Les Gara (D) Email 888-465-2647
24 Anchorage Berta Gardner (D) Email 800-331-4930
25 Anchorage Mike Doogan (D) Email 800-689-4998
26 Anchorage Lindsey S. Holmes(D) HB 63* Email 888-465-4919
27 Anchorage Mia Costello (R) Email 800-773-4968
28 Anchorage Craig W. Johnson(R) Email 866-465-4993
29 Anchorage Chris Tuck (D) Email 866-465-2095
30 Anchorage Charisse E. Millett(R) Email 888-269-3879
31 Anchorage Bob Lynn (R) Email 800-870-4931
32 Anchorage Mike Hawker (R) Email 800-478-4950
33 Soldotna Kurt Olson (R) Email 800-463-2693
34 Kenai Mike Chenault (R) Email 800-469-3779
35 Homer Paul Seaton (R) Email 800-665-2689
36 Kodiak Alan Austerman (R) Email 800-865-2487
37 Dillingham Bryce Edgmon (D) Email 800-898-4451
38 Bethel Bob Herron (D) Email 800-323-4942
39 Nome Neal W. Foster (D) Email 800-478-3789
40 Kotzebue Reggie Joule (D) Email 800-782-4833
HB 63* Sponsor of House Bill 63




Questions? Contact us any time.