Day Two in Rome: Countering lies and duplicity with science
Posted on: September 21, 2016
One of the major themes of our interventions at this POPRC meeting concern the lies and duplicity of the chemical industry in their attempts to defend the continuing use of their products, despite overwhelming evidence of the harm that the substances wreak on the global environment and human health.
The photo shows Day 2 of the POPs Review Committee (from Earth Negotiations Bulletin), with the NGO/IPEN contingent on the right with the other official observers.
Here’s a link to the short speech Pam Miller made about short-chained chlorinated paraffins: pam-millers-intervention-on-sccps-9-19-16
. . . and another link to the powerful speech made yesterday by IPEN colleague, Dr. Mariann Lloyd Smith, about PFOA, the Teflon chemical.