Upcoming Events | Google Calendar | Past Events
Stories, Struggles & Songs – Defending Our Rights, Our Bodies, & Our Future Generations
- 6/9/14, Reception, 6:30 pm, Panel Discussion, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
- @ YWCA, 324 E. 5th Ave., Anchorage
- YWCA Anchorage event flyer | Facebook Anchorage Event
Please join us to hear indigenous women from impacted communities discuss the links between environmental violence and reproductive health and justice.
Panel speakers include indigenous women representing Yaqui Nation, Fond du Lac Band (Anishinaabe Nation), Gwich’in of Arctic Village, Athabascan of Chickaloon Traditional Village Council, and Yupik of Gambell and Savoonga, St. Lawrence Island.
Co-sponsored by International Indian Treaty Council, Chickaloon Village Traditional Council, REDOIL, Alaska Community Action on Toxics, and YWCA-Alaska
Questions? Call 907-222-7714 or email [email protected].
National Congress of American Indians Midyear Conference Afternoon Breakout Session:
‘Bringing US Toxics and Environmental Policies and Practices in Line with Indigenous Peoples’ Rights to Reproductive Health, Subsistence and the protection of Future Generations’
Tuesday June 10th, 2014, from 1:30 – 4:00 PM, at the Egan Center Space 12-14
(Dena’ina Civic & Convention Center, 600 W 7th Ave., Anchorage) Event Flyer
- Speakers will address environmental contaminants and their impacts on Tribal communities in Alaska, the US and Globally and beyond including the severe effects on women’s reproductive health, the health of their children and of future generations.
- Presenters will address the failures of US government environmental laws, standards and permitting practices to protect Indigenous Peoples’ rights to Free Prior and Informed Consent, Subsistence, Culture and Health, and will highlight current efforts to change US laws including the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).
- Presenters will include representatives of the Kenaitze Tribe, Native Village of Venetie, Native Village of Savoonga (St. Lawrence Island Alaska), Chickaloon Native Village and the International Indian Treaty Council.
- For more information, please contact ACAT at 907-222-7714 or [email protected].
If you have questions about any of our event listings, please contact us or call 907-222-7714. Thank you!
Past Events
Breast Cancer Prevention Tour, June 4-5
Please join us for a discussion with national experts, with events in Anchorage on Wednesday, June 4th, and on Thursday, June 5th in Bethel, Fairbanks, and Homer.
A teleconference call was recorded on May 28th, please check out the podcast and presentations at the call webpage.
Wednesday, June 4th, in Anchorage
6/4/14 from 6:30 pm – Reception, 7:00 pm – Program, Free admission
BREAST CANCER PREVENTION: From the Personal to the Political (Science, Tips, and Action)
Your opportunity to learn about –
The science linking toxic chemicals and breast cancer
Environmental risk factors and the precautionary principle
Prioritizing prevention through individual and collective action
-Our goal is to inspire you to make choices that eliminate contaminants linked to cancer from your home and community. We also hope you will join the many breast cancer advocates across the country who are working for public policies that will…reduce the risks of breast cancer.
A discussion with . . .
- Connie Engel of the Breast Cancer Fund (Also in Bethel on June 5th)
- Karuna Jaggar of Breast Cancer Action (Also in Homer on June 5th)
- Janet Ackerman of Silent Spring Institute (Also in Fairbanks on June 5th)
- Pamela Miller of Alaska Community Action on Toxics (Also in Homer on June 5th)
Questions? Call (907) 222-7714 or email [email protected].
Presented by Alaska Community Action on Toxics, Alaska Run for Women, and YWCA – Alaska
Thursday, June 5th, in Bethel With Connie Engel of the Breast Cancer Fund
BREAST CANCER PREVENTION: From the Personal to the Political (Science, Tips, and Action)
- 6/5/14 from Noon to 1:30 pm, light lunch provided, Free admission
- KuC #118, UAF Kuskokwim Campus, Bethel
- Bethel Flyer | Facebook Bethel Event
A discussion with . . .
- Connie Engel of the Breast Cancer Fund
- Maricarmen Cruz Guilloty, Alaska Community Action on Toxics
Your opportunity to learn about –
- The science linking toxic chemicals and breast cancer
- Environmental risk factors and the precautionary principle
- Prioritizing prevention through individual and collective action
A light lunch is provided. Questions? Call (907) 222-7714 or email [email protected].
Presented by Alaska Community Action on Toxics, Orutsararmuit Native Council, Kuskokwim Campus, UAF, Alaska Run for Women, and YWCA – Alaska
Thursday, June 5th, in Homer with Karuna Jaggar of Breast Cancer Action
BREAST CANCER PREVENTION: From the Personal to the Political (Science, Tips, and Action)
- 6/5/14 from 6:30 pm – Reception, 7:00 pm – Program, Free admission
- United Methodist Church, 770 East End Road, Homer, AK.
- Homer Flyer | Facebook Homer Event
A discussion with . . .
- Karuna Jaggar of Breast Cancer Action
- Pamela Miller of Alaska Community Action on Toxics
Your opportunity to learn about –
- The science linking toxic chemicals and breast cancer
- Environmental risk factors and the precautionary principle
- Prioritizing prevention through individual and collective action
Questions? Call (907) 222-7714 or email [email protected].
Presented by Alaska Community Action on Toxics, CookInlet Keeper, Alaska Run for Women, and YWCA – Alaska
Fairbanks, Thursday, June 5th, with Janet Ackerman of Silent Spring Institute.
BREAST CANCER PREVENTION: From the Personal to the Political (Science, Tips, and Action)
- 6/5/14 from 6:30 pm – Reception, 7:00 pm – Program, Free admission
- On the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus in the Margaret Murie Building’s Auditorium
- Fairbanks Flyer | Facebook Fairbanks Event
A discussion with . . .
- Janet Ackerman of Silent Spring Institute
- Samarys Seguinot-Medina of Alaska Community Action on Toxics
Your opportunity to learn about –
- The science linking toxic chemicals and breast cancer
- Environmental risk factors and the precautionary principle
- Prioritizing prevention through individual and collective action
Questions? Call (907) 799-9580 or (907) 222-7714 or email [email protected].
Presented by Alaska Community Action on Toxics, Citizens for Clean Air, Northern Alaska Environmental Center, Alaska Run for Women, and YWCA – Alaska
Wednesday, May 28, CHE-AK teleconference call, Breast Cancer Prevention – Beyond Pink Ribbons
Join our panel of expert speakers including Connie Engel of the Breast Cancer Fund, Karuna Jaggar of Breast Cancer Action, and Janet Ackerman of Silent Spring Institute, for a discussion of the science linking exposures to toxic chemicals and breast cancer, environmental risk factors and the precautionary principle, and ways to prioritize prevention through individual and collective action. Our goal is to inspire you to make choices that eliminate contaminants linked to cancer from your home and community. We also hope you will join the many breast cancer advocates across the country who are working for public policies that will reduce the risks of breast cancer.
Friday, May 30th – Wild Edibles Celebrating the Life of Rachel Carson.
Celebrating the life of Rachel Carson. Join us for a guided plant walk, dinner featuring local and foraged foods catered by Fresh 49’s Rob Kinneen, dance to live music by Swing 49, enjoy a dazzling array of no-host Mocktails. Cost is $50 per person. Limited seating. RSVP 222-7714. Hosted by Alaska Community Action on Toxics.
Wild Edibles @ Kincaid Park Chalet
4/17/14,Think Tank sponsored by University of Alaska, Anchorage’s Center for Community Engagement & Learning (CCEL)
Guest agency: Alaska Community Action on Toxics
Topic: How can information regarding exposure to harmful chemicals in our food and environment empower us to take action?
Think Tank Series: An interactive community engagement experience. A non-profit agency presents a challenge or issue, and attendees brainstorm solutions for the organization. Students, faculty, staff and community members – join us to assist this agency and contribute your thoughts and ideas to the discussion!
Sponsored by UAA’s Center for Community Engagement & Learning (CCEL) • 786-4062 • engage at uaa.alaska dot edu
April 26 & 27, 10 am to 3 pm both days at Russian Jack Chalet, Anchorage
Join us at the Russian Jack Chalet and learn how to manage your gardens the organic way. We have teamed up with the Cooperative Extension Service and local experts to offer a soil science intensive geared to Anchorage gardeners. We will cover soil biology, texture, structure and composting. Learn through hands-on activities the science behind feeding your soil, not your plant. Suggested donation $50. Limited Space available. RSVP with Alaska Community Action on Toxics at [email protected] (907) 222-7714 | Event Flyer
3/24/14 at the UAA Campus Bookstore
Getting It Right 25 Years After the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: Ways to Strengthen Pre-Planning and Response Measures
Dr. Riki Ott (Earth Island Institute), Dr. John French (Pegasus Environmental Solutions),Carl Wassilie ( Alaska’s Big Village Network), Nikos Pastos (Center for Water Advocacy and Alaska Inter-Tribal Council), Pam Miller (Alaska Community Action on Toxics) and Rebecca Noblin (Center for Biological Diversity) come together to make a compelling case that Alaska and national oil spill response policies are outdated and fail to protect people and the environment. Learn what offshore oil, tar sands, and fracking have in common–and the opportunities we have to protect Alaska’s waters and people.
All UAA Campus Bookstore events are informal, free and open to the public. There is free parking for bookstore events in the South Lot, the West Campus Central Lot (behind Rasmuson Hall), the Sports Lot and the Sports NW Lot. For more information call Rachel Epstein at 786-4782 or email[email protected].
Note: UAA Campus Bookstore podcasts are posted in iTunes or iTunes U–just search UAA or UAA Campus Bookstore. Or see
March 25-26, 2014 Generations At Risk Lecture Tour with Dr. Tracey Woodruff
3/27/14, FREE movie Screening of “Pretty Slick: a documentary feature on the year of the BP Oil Spill”, UAA Student Union – South Cafeteria
Remembering the 25th Anniversary of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, what lessens have we learned, and what lessons have we lost?Scientist Riki Ott, PhD, will lead a discussion following the movie screening. Sponsors for the event included the UAA Sustainability Club, Alaska Community Action on Toxics, Alaska Inter-Tribal Council, Cook Inletkeeper, Greenpeace, Pacific Environment, Sierra Club, and WWF.
2013 Breast Cancer Awareness Tour
10/17/13, 11/7/13, Healthy Home Workshops: How to detox your home
10/16/13 CHE-AK Call Breast Cancer and the Environment: Prioritizing Prevention
8/5/13 Alaska Sustainable Business Breakfast Gathering,
Alaska Community Action on Toxics and the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), invite sustainable businesses in Alaska to a breakfast gathering on Monday, August 5th, 2013 from 9-10:30 am. We are excited to announce that David Levine, CEO American Sustainable Business Counci Action Fund will be in Alaska and joining us for this event, along with Pamela Miller, Executive Director of Alaska Community Action on Toxics.
8/8/13, Follow up discusion to Lessons from Libby, Montana with Dr. Black and Michelle Boltz, 1-2 pm, Alaska Time. This call is a follow up discussion of the previous CHE-AK Call on 7/24/13 – Lessons from Libby, Montana: Mining, Asbestos, and Public Health | Website | Sign Up
- Speakers: Dr. Brad Black, Medical Director and Michelle Boltz, Nurse Practitioner with the Center for Asbestos Related Disease (CARD) in Libby, Montana
- Website | Resources | Take Action | Recording
9 am Alaska Time, 10 am Pacific, 1 pm Eastern
Join Duke University researcher Dr. Heather Stapleton to learn more about the rising use of Chlorinated Tris and to hear about new scientific research on its health effects. We will also be joined by Laurie Valeriano, executive director of Washington Toxics Coalition and Pamela Miller, Executive Director of Alaska Community Action on Toxics who will discuss how state legislatures can lead the way for safer chemicals.
8/14/13 Organic Gardening Workshop: Seed Saving
A workshop with Doug Tryck on Wednesday, August 14th, 2013, 7-9pm at the C Street Community Garden, C St and W 19th Ave in Anchorage (map).
With just a little more time and effort, you can have the satisfaction of saving seeds from your own garden and planting them next year. The benefits include, stronger, better tasting plants. This is not difficult, but it is important to understand a few basic principles. We will discuss these principles and how they apply to crops, flowers and herbs commonly grown in backyard gardens.
7/24/13: CHE-AK Call – Lessons from Libby, Montana: Mining, Asbestos, and Public Health
- Speakers: Dr. Brad Black, Medical Director and Michelle Boltz, Nurse Practitioner with the Center for Asbestos Related Disease (CARD) in Libby, Montana
- Website | Resources | Take Action | Recording
6/26/13: CHE-AK Call – The Rise of the U.S. Environmental Health Movement: A conversation with activist and author Kate Davies, (CHE-AK Call #73)
- Website | Resources | Take Action | Recording
6/5/13 Organic Gardening Workshop: Awesome Compost
A workshop with Saskia Esslinger on Wednesday, June 5th, 2013, 7-9pm at the C Street Community Garden, C St and W 19th Ave in Anchorage (map).
Discover how easy it is to use composting techniques to create a vibrant, healthy and beautiful garden. Backyard composting conserves energy and reduces pollution and waste. Learn how to turn your food and yard waste into a wonderful soil amendment or mulch that will help your garden thrive by suppressing weeds, protecting the soil, improving soil structure and conserving water.
6/19/13 Organic Gardening Workshop: It’s a Wonderful World of Weeds
A workshop with GeorgeAnne Sprinkle and Doug Tryck on Wednesday, June 19th, 2013, 7-9pm at the C Street Community Garden, C St and W 19th Ave in Anchorage (map).
Did you know that many of the weeds we are burdened with today were brought from our European ancestors? What, but why, you might whine? The secret is that some “weeds” were and remain incredibly useful. Learn how to friend your weed problems, learn their history, what they tell you about the state of your soil, and how to incorporate them into your kitchen and medicine cabinet.
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Breast Cancer Awareness Tour May 29th – June 3rd, 2013
This tour is co-sponsored with a generous grant by the Alaska Run For Women.
Fairbanks – 5/30 | North Pole – 5/30
Norton Sound Area June 1-4, 2013:
St. Lawrence Island 6/1-2 |Gambell – 6/1 | Savoonga – 6/2
News ReleaseSemper Fi: Always Faithful takes a personal look at a public health and environmental crisis. The documentary follows Jerry Ensminger, a retired Marine Corps drill instructor, who lost his daughter to leukemia in 1985. After he learns of the water contamination at Camp Lejeune, twelve years later, Ensminger embarked on a journey to expose one of the largest water contamination incidents in U.S. history.These events are co-sponsored with a generous grant by the Alaska Run For Women.
5/22/13 6-8:30 pm – Wild Edibles, at Kincaid Park Chalet, $50 space is limited, sign up early.
ACAT hosted the fundraiser, Wild Edibles, commemorating Rachel Carson on May 22nd, 2013 from 6:00-8:30 pm at Kincaid Park Chalet. Thank you for joining us in celebration of the wild abundance and nature surrounding us.
The event included
- a guided medicinal and wild edible plant walk at 6pm,
- foraged foods dinner by local guest chef Rob Kinneen & Fresh 49 at 7pm
- live music by Michael Howard, and
- a fundraiser featuring community goods donated by local businesses.
- Cost is $50 – space is limited
For more information, contact GeorgeAnne Sprinkle, the Community Garden Coordinator and compost tea brewer for Alaska Community Action on Toxics. 907-222-7714 or email garden at akaction dot org
Rachel Carson initiated the kind of environmental advocacy work that we continue today. We are dedicated to an organic, sustainable life, believing everyone has the right to clean air, clean water and toxic-free food.
4/26/13, Noon-1:30 pm: Stand Against Racism – Social Justice Dialogues: Opening Minds and Hearts at YWCA Anchorage, 324 E 5th Ave.
Join YWCA for this BYO Lunch discussion on this national day of action “Stand Against Racism”.
Join ACAT in taking the pledge and a day of social media action on Facebook and Twitter where we “Take a stand for social justice, environmental health and justice” and celebrate the diversity of our community.
4/24/13, 9-10 am – CHE-AK Call “Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs) in the Arctic: Sources, Transport, and Health Effects”
Listen to this discussion with Craig Butt, PhD of the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University and Carol Kwiatkowski, PhD, Executive Director of The Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX). PFCs are synthetic chemicals used to make materials stain- and stick- resistant. They can be found in household products including non-stick cookware, grease-resistant food packaging, water-resistant outerwear and shoes, and stain-resistant home furnishings. PFCs are persistent organic pollutants that accumulate in the bodies of fish, wildlife, and people and have been linked to adverse health effects. Presented by ACAT’s Alaska Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE-AK).
4/24/13, 7-9 pm – Compost Tea- It’s Alive! at Central Lutheran Church, 15th & Cordova (map)
4/22/13, 5:30 pm – A Fierce Green Fire, at the Bear Tooth, $3.50
A documentary about environmentalism, the history of the movement and the activists fighting to save the future. With Robert Redford, Meryl Streep, Ashley Judd, Van Jones, Isabel Allande; Director: Mark Kitchell. Watch the preview. Visit ACAT’s table in the lobby at the Bear Tooth.
Gary Goldstein, Los Angeles Times: “…proves a worthy reminder of how much has been done to help heal our planet’s ecological woes as well as how much remains to be achieved.”
4/22/13, 7:50 pm – Trashed at the Bear Tooth, $3.50
Gary Goldstein, Los Angeles Times: “…vividly, relentlessly detailed… input from corporate interests and government policymakers would have added welcome dimension to this crucial discussion.”
Jeannette Catsoulis, New York Times: “Ms. Brady rubs our faces in the poisonous consequences of littering the planet with substances that, like bedbugs and French mimes, are almost impossible to get rid of.”
Website for the Training | Presentations | Biographies of the Speakers | Podcast Call Recording
4/17/13 – ACAT’s Environmental Health and Justice Coordinators and other staff participated in the Chickaloon Cultural Awareness workshop at the Alaska Native Heritage Center
4/10/13 – ACAT’s Organic Gardening Workshop: Detox Gardening,with Saskia Esslinger and Birgit Lenger. A workshop about herbs and plants commonly used for detoxing our bodies. We’ll teach you how to grow these medicinal herbs and plants, as well as methods for using them, including making medicinal teas, tinctures, and cooking with them fresh or dry.
3/20/13 – ACAT’s Organic Gardening Workshop: Building Great Soil Structure – The Secret to a Great Garden, with Saskia Esslinger. A workshop about how we depend on soil every day to provide us with food, but what is it really? Learn the basics about this extremely important but often under-appreciated resource. We will talk about what makes soil productive and how you can manage your garden for optimum soil health. Terms like pH, organic matter, CEC, bulk density and base saturation will be covered. The class will also explain how to get a lab test of your soil and how to read the test results.