Help prevent harm to the communities affected by the proposed Donlin Gold Mine

Weigh in for fair and equitable public participation!

Transportation Facility Map (1)Thanks to everyone who signed the petition, the deadline for the public comment period for the Donlin Gold Project DEIS has been extended until May 31st!

The Donlin Gold Mine would be a massive open pit, hard-rock gold mine ten miles north of the village of Crooked Creek – one of the largest undeveloped gold resources in the world. If developed, it would have extensive and permanent effects on the environment and communities along the Kuskokwim River. In its current form, it involves:

• Significant releases of mercury into the Kuskokwim River watershed, contamination of streams and rivers, as well as destruction of wetlands;
• A threat to subsistence food sources, commercial salmon fisheries, wildlife, and public health;
• A 2-square-mile pit that would eventually fill with water and require water treatment in perpetuity;
• A 2,240-acre waste rock pile and 2,351-acre tailings impoundment;
• 122 barge trips on the Kuskokwim River every summer during the mine’s operations;
• A 315-mile-long natural gas pipeline requiring nine new air strips and numerous roads during construction.

Furthermore, the proposed natural gas pipeline would lie in the vicinity of the iconic Iditarod National Historic Trail for about 60 miles, crossing the trail 13 times. A new rule introduced by the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race organizers limits mushers’ ability to express their viewpoints on the Donlin Gold Project, which was a primary sponsor of the 2016 race.

Together we are stronger!

For more information:

Comment Letter on Proposed Donlin DEIS

Donlin Gold Mine Factsheet

Mining and Toxic Metals

Proposed Mines in Alaska

Mining and Community Health

Acid Rock Drainage


Questions? Contact us any time.