Local Food Pantries & Tips on Donating Produce

Looking for a Food Pantry?

Anchoragefood.org has a fairly comprehensive list of Anchorage food pantries, their hours, & locations. This list can be used to find food for you and your family as well as donate food to others.


Donating extra garden produce to charitable organizations

Summer in Alaska are times of abundance - be it the fish, veggies, berries, and game. As I watch my garden grow much much more food than I eat, its an opportunity to share with neighbors, friends, and larger community. With that in mind, here's a list of wonderful organizations that welcome donations of fresh produce:

Yarducopia harvest 8-1-16

Charitable Organizations In Anchorage

Charitable Organizations In the Mat-Su

Have other leads on donating food in Anchorage? I'd love to hear about it.


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