Toxic Chemicals that Disrupt Hormones: Impacts to Fish and People

August 24, 2011 @ 9:00am (AKDT)

Environmental biologist Dr. Frances Solomon has more than 25 years of experience in state and local environmental agencies, focusing on the biological impacts of toxic water pollutants, pollution prevention and control, and cleanup of contaminated sites. Join this call to learn more about:

  • Toxic properties of EDCs, human activities that discharge EDCs to water bodies, and exposure pathways for fish and humans
  • Routes of exposure for people living in the Arctic
  • Why young humans and young fish are more vulnerable to the toxic effects of EDCs
  • Impacts of phthalates and perfluorinated   compounds (PFCs) on fish and humans
  • Proposed regulatory reform including the Safe Chemicals Act of 2011 and the Safe Cosmetics Act
  • How you can reduce your exposure to EDCs

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Dr. Frances Solomon is an environmental biologist with a bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of Rochester (Rochester, New York), and a master’s degree in environmental health and Ph.D. in fisheries from the University of Washington (Seattle, Washington).  She has 25 years of experience in environmental agencies, focusing on the biological impacts of toxic water pollutants, pollution prevention and control, and cleanup of contaminated sites.

Dr. Solomon is passionate about bringing her work experience and knowledge to the classroom. She teaches short courses and gives lectures for environmental professionals, health care professionals, and the general public in Washington State, Alaska, and Canada about impacts of metals and persistent organic pollutants, including endocrine disruptor chemicals (EDCs), on aquatic ecosystems and human health. She teaches environmental pollution courses at Western Washington University and The Evergreen State College, Tacoma. She has also taught at University of Washington Tacoma, University of British Columbia, and Northwest University in Xi’an, China.

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