Gardening Resources: videos, fact sheets, local policy
Need a Hand? We offer advice, consultations, and help with volunteer coordination
We would also love to help you and your neighborhood with your own garden project. Over the last 10 years, we've collaborated with dozens of schools, churches, food pantries, community groups, and individuals to help dream, design, build, and maintain gardens around Anchorage and Alaska. Reach out to talk about how we can work together! Email us at [email protected] or text or call 907 717 4392 (cell) or 907 222 7714 (office)
Videos, Presentations, & Zines
Seed Starting with Alivia DeBusk
'What is Yarducopia?' presentation to AARP
Pesticide-Free Anchorage with Pam Miller
Propagating Perennials workshop with Nick Riordan
Designing Your Organic Garden with Rachel Mills and Nick Riordan
Lessons Learned from the Alaskan Home Garden: Consequences and Alternatives to Pesticide Use for our Soils, Plants, and Ourselves (Interview with Jeff Lowenfels)
Market Gardening in the Last Frontier (by Bjorn Olson) shares stories & methods from Twitter Creek Farm
Recipe Book for common garden veggies
Zines on soil health, biology, and weeds written by George-Ann Sprinkle and Illustrated by John Harding
Pesticides and Pollinators booklet written by Jodie Banks
In the Garden podcast interview with NIck Riordan talking about the benefits of gardening, being a part of a community and the actions we can take as gardens to secure a healthier future.
Yarducopia's Resource Pages
Ask a Gardener
- How to choose seeds and plan your garden
- When do I start seeds?
- Building a sheet mulch (lasagna) garden
- Common nutrient deficiencies in lasagna gardens
- Edible flowers from your garden
- What about the Alaskan Pea?
- Dealing with slugs and root maggots
- How gardens & local food make for strong towns
- How do I prepare my garden for winter?
- The Valley Gardening Club has monthly tips you can read on their website.
- Still have questions? Email [email protected] or [email protected] with gardening questions anytime!
Anchorage Pesticide Policies
Fighting for toxic-free food through policy reform
Yarducopia also works to motivate public support to implement local, national, and international policies to ban harmful agricultural additives and promote regenerative agrarian practices. These include:
- Preventing the use of harmful pesticides in Anchorage schools
- Pesticide-Free Anchorage Ordinance
- Pesticide Right-to-Know Ordinance
Click here to read more about these protective policies and ACAT's work toward a toxic-free future
Alaska Specific Resources
Facebook groups/pages where you can get great garden advice:
The Alaska Master Gardeners are another exceptional resource. You can ask them a question via email by contacting [email protected] anytime.
The Cooperative Extension Service list of pubications covers gardening, insects/pests, cooking, and many many more useful topics. Click the link and type in your search or browse their list. They also have a CES state-wide events calendar.
Gardening & Pesticide Fact Sheets
In the Garden
- Avoiding Persistent Herbicides in Compost
- Spraying for Spruce Bark Beetle - Pros and Cons
- Talking to Your Neighbors when they're having their trees sprayed with pesticides (coming soon!)
- Do I need to test my soil or compost for toxics? (coming soon!)
- What do I do about sawfly larvae on my currants? (coming soon!)
- Using manure in the garden
- Using cardboard in the garden
- Using plastic in the garden
- Using pesticides in the garden
- PFAS in the garden
- Composting in Rural Alaska by Jodie Anderson
- Don't Delay, Start Composting Today by Heidi Rader (It Grows in Alaska blog)
- Composting 101 by Anchorage Soil and Water Conservation District
- Composting On Farm Handbook