
Climate Change and Contaminants: Implications and Potential Impacts

Research shows that global climate change may be exacerbating contamination from persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the Arctic. Temperatures in the Arctic are warming five to 10 times faster than elsewhere in the world. Scientists forecast that the Arctic Ocean will be ice-free by 2040, with profound effects on ice-dependent species. Increasing storm surges, melting…

Tell EPA to Regulate Hazardous Coal Ash

International Actions to Eliminate the World’s Most Dangerous Chemicals

An international panel of experts is meeting in Geneva, Switzerland October 11 – 15, 2010, to review chemicals being considered for a worldwide ban under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). The 31 members of the POPs Review Committee (POPRC) will be considering whether endosulfan (an insecticide used in agriculture and already banned in 60 countries), short-chained…

Chasing Molecules: Poisonous Products, Human Health and the Promise of Green Chemistry: A Discussion with Author Elizabeth Grossman

Many dangerous chemicals from chemical manufacturing facilities and industrial agriculture operations around the world end up in the Arctic and stay there. Originating in Asia and southern latitudes, persistent organic pollutants (POPs) hitchhike on wind and ocean currents and accumulate in the fish, wildlife and people who call the far north home. Among those who…

The Hidden Hazards of Coal Development in Alaska: Public Health and Coal Combustion Waste

Coal combustion waste, or coal ash, is the material that remains after coal is burned. Coal ash may contain heavy metals, radioactive elements, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and particulate matter, all of which contribute to public health and environmental problems. Alaska currently has six coal-fired power plants, all located between Healy and Fairbanks in Alaska’s…

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