Protecting Children at the “Top of the World”: Reflections and Recommendations from the Alaska Children’s Environmental Health Summit
December 14, 2016 @ 9:00am (AKST)
In October 2016, ACAT convened the first Children’s Environmental Health Summit in Alaska to address growing concerns about disproportionate exposures to environmental contaminants experienced by children in the circumpolar north. Health care providers, luminaries in environmental health research, and long-dedicated health advocates from around the country presented at the conference. Participants also heard from Alaska-based community leaders whose communities have been significantly impacted by exposures to toxic chemicals. On day two, conference attendees joined work group discussions in the areas of policy, research, health care, education and outreach, and environment.
Featured speakers
Elise Miller, Director, Collaborative on Health and the Environment
Pam Miller, Executive Director, ACAT
Vi Waghiyi, Environmental Health and Justice Program Director, ACAT